
Photonic properties of dense metal nanostructures are currently under intense investigation because of the possible local enhancements of electromagnetic fields induced by plasmonic excitations. In this review paper, we present examples of plasmonic-field mappings based on multiphoton photoemission or STM-induced light emission, two techniques among those which offer today's best spatial resolutions for plasmon microscopy. By imaging the photoemitted electrons, using well-established electron optics, two-dimensional intensity maps reflecting the actual distribution of the optical near-field are obtained. The imaging technique involves no physical probe altering the measure. This approach provides full field spectroscopic images with a routine spatial resolution of the order of 20 nm (down to 2 nm with recent aberration corrected instruments). Alternatively, an unfamiliar property of the junction of scanning tunnelling microscope is its ability to behave as a highly localized source of light. It can be exploited to probe opto-electronic properties, in particular plasmonic fields, with ultimate subnanometre spatial resolution, an advantage balanced by a sometimes delicate deconvolution of local-probe influence.

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