
The pressure dependences of the Raman-active graphite layer shearing modes in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and FeCl3-HOPG acceptor intercalation compounds for stage indices n=1, 2 and 3 have been measured in diamond anvil cell by use of a Spex-1403 Ramalog system. The results of high-pressure Raman spectra show that both the interior and neighbouring modes exhibit a frequency shift upwards with increasing pressure, which has been attributed to an in-plane lattice contraction. In stage-3 FeCl3-HOPG, the pressure-induced staging transition from stage 3 to stage 4 has been found from the change in intensity ratio of the interior to neighbouring modes at 8.39 GPa. This finding confirmed firstly that the pressure-induced staging transitions are not just confined to the alkali-metal graphite donor intercalations but are valid for the acceptor graphite intercalation compounds.

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