
In a search for potential therapeutic strategies for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) that would be associated with less morbidity than transurethral resection of the prostate, various types of laser prostatectomy have been used. Although the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser allows performance of prostatectomy in an almost bloodless field and without absorption of irrigant, the remaining necrotic tissue causes bladder outlet obstruction and related symptoms for 5 to 7 days after treatment. In contrast, the potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser has been found to vaporize tissue with minimal coagulation of the underlying structures. With use of the KTP laser, heat is concentrated into a small volume, the tissue is ablated by rapid vaporization of cellular water, and a 2-mm rim of coagulated tissue is left. After favorable results were obtained in studies of canine prostates and human cadavers, we implemented clinical use of 60-W KTP laser prostatectomy in selected patients. In 10 patients with symptomatic BPH who ranged in age from 52 to 80 years, outpatient KTP laser prostatectomy yielded significantly increased mean peak urinary flow rates (from 8.0 mL/s preoperatively to 19.4 mL/s within 24 hours after the procedure). No patient had hematuria, dysuria, or incontinence after removal of the catheter, and no patient required recatheterization. One patient, however, had urgency, and two other patients became febrile during the 24-hour observation period. Overall, KTP laser vaporization prostatectomy can provide immediate relief from obstructive symptoms of BPH and is not associated with dysuria.

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