
Abstract. Soil organic matter (SOM) is redox-active, can be microbially reduced, and transfers electrons in an abiotic reaction to Fe(III) minerals, thus serving as an electron shuttle. The standard procedure to isolate organic matter (OM) from soil involves the use of alkaline and acidic solutions and the separation of humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs). This process potentially leads to unwanted changes in SOM chemical and redox properties. To determine the effects of extraction conditions on the redox and electron-shuttling properties of SOM extracts, we prepared HA, FA, and water-extractable organic matter (OM) extracts, applying either a combination of 0.1 M NaOH and 6 M HCl or ultrapure water (pH 7), from soil samples collected from the subsoil (0–15 cm, A horizon, pH 6.5–6.8) in Schönbuch forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Both chemical extractions (NaOH∕HCl) and water extractions were done in separate experiments under either oxic or anoxic conditions. Furthermore, we applied the NaOH∕HCl treatment to a subsample of the water-extractable OM to separate HA and FA from the water-extractable OM. When comparing the amount of carbon extracted from soil by different extraction methods, we found that FA and HA chemically extracted from the soil can make up to 34 %–40 % of the soil organic carbon pool while the water-extractable OM only represents 0.41 %–2.74 % of the total soil organic carbon. The higher extraction efficiency of the chemical extraction is probably due to the deprotonation of carboxyl and phenol functional groups under high pH. Anoxic extraction conditions also led to more extracted carbon. For water-extractable OM, 7 times more C was extracted under anoxic conditions compared to oxic conditions. This difference was probably due to the occurrence of microbial reduction and dissolution of Fe(III) minerals in the soil during the anoxic water extraction and thus the concomitant release of Fe(III) mineral-bound organic matter. To compare the redox activity of different SOM extracts, the electron-exchange capacity (EEC) of all extracted HA, FA, and water-extractable OM was analyzed and our results showed that, under anoxic extraction conditions, the HA chemically isolated from the water-extractable OM had 2 times higher EEC values compare to the water-extractable OM itself, suggesting the potential formation of redox-active aromatic functional groups during the extraction with NaOH under anoxic conditions by condensation reactions between amino acids, aldehydes, and hydroxyl- and catechol-containing molecules. We also performed a microbial Fe(III) reduction experiment with all extracts and found that higher EEC of extracts in turn resulted in a higher stimulation of microbial Fe(III) mineral reduction by electron shuttling, i.e., faster initial Fe(III) reduction rates, and in most cases also in higher reduction extents. Our findings suggest that OM extracted with water at neutral pH should be used to better reflect environmental SOM redox processes in lab experiments and that potential artefacts of the chemical extraction method and anoxic extraction condition need to be considered when evaluating and comparing abiotic and microbial SOM redox processes.


  • Soil organic matter (SOM) contains more organic carbon than the sum of the atmosphere and living plants (Fischlin et al, 2007) and can influence greenhouse gas emission, plant growth, and water quality (Lal, 2004; MarinSpiotta et al, 2014)

  • For both fulvic acids (FAs) isolated from waterextractable OM and FA isolated from soil, the Specific UV absorbance at 254 (SUVA254) values were higher under anoxic conditions than under oxic conditions

  • Anoxic conditions and the chemical extraction method led to higher SUVA254 values of the extracts, suggesting that these extracts had a higher degree of aromaticity (Korshin et al, 1997). 13C-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of extracted OM, FA, and humic acids (HAs) (Fig. 2) confirmed higher contents of aromatic carbon in samples subject to chemical extraction or anoxic conditions

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Soil organic matter (SOM) contains more organic carbon than the sum of the atmosphere and living plants (Fischlin et al, 2007) and can influence greenhouse gas emission, plant growth, and water quality (Lal, 2004; MarinSpiotta et al, 2014). Studying SOM is challenging because it needs to be separated from other soil components before doing laboratory experiments (Lehmann and Kleber, 2015). One of the most commonly used methods is a chemical extraction of humic substances (HSs) at pH > 12 (Achard, 1786). The concept of HS as high-molecular-weight molecules formed by degradation and repolymerization of biomolecules has been challenged by seeing SOM as a continuum of progressively decomposing organic compounds (Lehmann and Kleber, 2015), HS extraction is still applied by many laboratories and the extracted HSs are still widely used as a proxy for SOM. Concerns regarding the effectiveness of this harsh chemical extraction method were already raised in 1888 (van Bemmelen, 1888) and have lasted until today (Lehmann and Kleber, 2015; Kleber and Lehmann, 2019)

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