
A selective HPLC method is described for the determination of cefpodoxime levels in plasma and sinus mucosa. Sample preparation included solid-phase extraction with a C 8 cartridge. Cefpodoxime and cefaclor (internal standard) were eluted with methanol and analyzed on an optimised system consisting of a C 18 stationary phase and a ternary mobile phase (0.05 M acetate buffer pH 3.8—methanol—acetonitrile, 87:10:3, v/v) monitored at 235 nm. Linearity and both between- and within-day reproducibility were assessed for plasma and sinus mucosa samples. Inter-assay coefficients of variation were lower than 13.6% ( n = 10) for plasma (0.2 μg/ml) and lower than 12.4% ( n = 5) for sinus mucosa (0.25 μg/g). The quantification limit was 0.05 μg/ml for plasma and 0.13 μg/g for tissue. The method was used to study the diffusion of cefpodoxime in sinus mucosa.

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