
Abstract We study the two photon decay channel of the Standard Model-like component of the CP-even Higgs bosons present in the type II Seesaw Model. The corresponding cross-section is found to be significantly enhanced in parts of the parameter space, due to the (doubly-)charged Higgs bosons’ (H ±±)H ± virtual contributions, while all the other Higgs decay channels remain Standard Model(SM)-like. In other parts of the parameter space H ±± (and H ±) interfere destructively, reducing the two photon branching ratio tremendously below the SM prediction. Such properties allow to account for any excess such as the one reported by ATLAS/CMS at ≈ 125 GeV if confirmed by future data; if not, for the fact that a SM-like Higgs exclusion in the diphoton channel around 114-115 GeV as reported by ATLAS, does not contradict a SM-like Higgs at LEP(!), and at any rate, for the fact that ATLAS/CMS exclusion limits put stringent lower bounds on the H ±± mass, particularly in the parameter space regions where the direct limits from same-sign leptonic decays of H ±± do not apply.


  • JHEP04(2012)136 experimental exclusion limits can constrain the peculiar features we will describe of the SM-like component of the model

  • We study the two photon decay channel of the Standard Model-like component of the CP-even Higgs bosons present in the type II Seesaw Model

  • ATLAS/CMS exclusion limits assume SM-like branching ratios for all search channels, they can be used in case the branching ratio of only the diphoton decay channel, Br(H → γγ), differs significantly from its SM value

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The DTHM model

In [20] we have performed a detailed study of DTHM potential, derived the most general set of dynamical constraints on the parameters of the model at leading order and outlined the salient features of Higgs boson phenomenology at the colliders. In the pure SM-like regime, there can be some instances where all details of the production channels cancel out in the ratio σγγ/σSγγM due to a complete factorization of the Higgs branching ratio into two photons that contains all the new DTHM effects In this case σγγ/σSγγM becomes insensitive to the production channels and one retrieves essentially Rγγ(H)(≈ Br(H → γγ)DT HM /Br(H → γγ)SM ). We checked that in the experimentally interesting Higgs mass range around 125GeV, Γ(H → γγ) becomes a very flat function of mH leading to a variation at least an order of magnitude smaller than Γ(H → all) This invalidates the above mentioned factorization so that the ratio σγγ/σSγγM remains sensitive to the initial state and does not reduce trivially to Rγγ.

DTHM parameter scans and theoretical constraints
Experimental constraints
Numerical results
RΓΓ 10
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