
We analyse the OPE contribution of gluon bound states in the double scaling limit of the hexagonal Wilson loop in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We provide a systematic procedure for perturbatively resumming the contributions from single-particle bound states of gluons and expressing the result order by order in terms of two-variable polylogarithms. We also analyse certain contributions from two-particle gluon bound states and find that, after analytic continuation to the $2\to 4$ Mandelstam region and passing to multi-Regge kinematics (MRK), only the single-particle gluon bound states contribute. From this double-scaled version of MRK we are able to reconstruct the full hexagon remainder function in MRK up to five loops by invoking single-valuedness of the results.


  • We find that only a particular subset of these functions arises, which is consistent with the functions having restricted branch cuts, and with the idea that they are particular limits of hexagon functions [16, 17] describing the full six-point remainder function

  • From the knowledge of the single-particle bound state contributions to the double scaling limit we can produce all but the power-suppressed terms of the MHV hexagon in multi-Regge kinematics corresponding to high energy gluon scattering in the 2 → 4 Mandelstam region

  • We describe in 2.4 why the class of functions so obtained is consistent with the idea that the full hexagonal Wilson loop remainder function is expressed in terms of hexagon functions

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An operator product expansion (OPE) for light-like Wilson loops was introduced in [23] and refined in many papers [24,25,26,27, 29, 41,42,43,44,45] It describes the near-collinear regime of a particular ratio of light-like Wilson loops, denoted by W. These excitations propagate to the top part of the Wilson loop where they are absorbed Both the spectrum of excitations [28], which controls the propagation of states, and overlap functions [25], describing their production and absorption, can be studied at finite ’t Hooft coupling using integrability. We will describe the ‘double-scaling’ limit of W (and the remainder function R6) which allows us to consider contributions to the sum over states (2.5) coming from gluons only

The gluon contributions and the double-scaling limit
Resumming all single-particle gluon bound states
Hexagon functions in the double-scaling limit
From collinear to multi-Regge kinematics
Completion to full multi-Regge kinematics from single-valuedness
B Remarks on the two-particle gluon bound state contributions
Evaluation of the integrals
Contribution to MRK
C Multiple polylogarithms
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