
Gastric cancer is the most common cancer and remains the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. In this study, the anticancer action of magnoflorine isolated via counter-current chromatography from the methanolic extract of Berberis vulgaris root against gastric cancer in models of primary ACC-201 and AGS and metastatic MKN-74 and NCI-N87 cell lines was analyzed. Cell viability and proliferation were tested through the use of MTT and BrdU tests, respectively. Cell cycle progression and apoptosis were evaluated using flow cytometry. The interaction of magnoflorine and docetaxel has been examined through isobolographic analysis. Moreover, potential toxicity was verified in zebrafish in an in vivo model. Gastric cancer cell lines revealed different responses to magnoflorine treatment with regard to viability/proliferation, apoptosis induction and cell cycle inhibition without any undesirable changes in the development of larval zebrafish at the tested concentrations. What is more, magnoflorine in combination with docetaxel produced an additive pharmacological interaction in all studied gastric cancer cell lines, which may suggest a complementary mechanism of action of both compounds. Taken together, these findings provide a foundation for the possibility of magnoflorine as a potential therapeutic approach for gastric cancer and merits further investigation, which may pave the way for clinical uses of magnoflorine.

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