
The heterogeneity of Chlorella pyrenoidosa nuclear DNAs has been investigated by means of thermal denaturation. From our results, it appears that the guanine + cytosine (G+C) contents calculated from the melting temperature (Tm) are different for both strains, being 51.3% for strain 211/8b and 61.8% for the Emerson strain. On the other hand, their Δ 2 3 values are identical and their first derivative profiles of the melting curves very similar. In addition, these first derivative curves indicate the presence, in the nuclear DNA, of two main components and at least four minor ones. These components reflect an essentially intramolecular heterogeneity of Chlorella nuclear DNA. Finally, the reassociation experiments show that some components, richer in adenine + thymine (A+T) than the average A+T content, exhibit a quicker renaturation than the others. The significance of this result is discussed.

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