
2-( p- n-butylanilino)deoxyadenosine (BuAdA), and N-2-( p- n-butylphenyl)deoxyguanosine (BuPdG), selective inhibitors of mammalian DNA polymerase alpha, were added to BHK-21(C13) cell cultures infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strain 17 syn +. Infectious virus production decreased significantly in the presence of the inhibitor at concentrations varying from 1 nM to 100 μM. BuPdG was more effective than BuAdA at all concentrations tested, while it inhibited virus yield as much as BuAdA when CVG2, a thymidine kinase deficient (TK-) HSV-1, was employed. HSV DNA synthesis, determined by quantitation of CsCl separated DNA peaks, was inhibited by each compound. BuPdG inhibited viral DNA replication more than BuAdA, while the effect on cell DNA synthesis was the same as that of BuAdA. CVG2 DNA replication was inhibited to the same level by BuAdA as by BuPdG. These results indicate that HSV DNA replication is partially dependent on cell DNA polymerase alpha activity, and that the greater effect of BuPdG on viral replication may be ascribed to its action on HSV thymidine kinase.

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