
Fucus vesiculosus is a seaweed claimed to be useful for obesity management. Therefore, considering the relationship between obesity and cardiovascular diseases, this work aimed to assess the potential for an herb–drug interaction among a standardized F. vesiculosus extract (GMP certificate) and amiodarone (a narrow therapeutic index drug) in rats. In a first pharmacokinetic study, rats were simultaneously co-administered with a single-dose of F. vesiculosus (575mg/kg, p.o.) and amiodarone (50mg/kg, p.o.); in a second study, rats were pre-treated during 14days with F. vesiculosus (575mg/kg/day, p.o.) and received amiodarone (50mg/kg, p.o.) on the 15th day. Rats of the control groups received the corresponding volume of vehicle. After analysis of the pharmacokinetic data it deserves to be highlighted the significant decrease in the peak plasma concentration of amiodarone (55.4%) as well as the reduction of systemic exposure to the parent drug (∼30%) following the simultaneous co-administration of F. vesiculosus extract and amiodarone. This paper reports, for the first time, the herb–drug interaction between F. vesiculosus and amiodarone, which determined a considerable decrease on amiodarone bioavailability in rats. Therefore, the therapeutic efficacy of amiodarone may be compromised by the concurrent administration of herbal slimming medicines/dietary supplements containing F. vesiculosus.

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