
An 11-year-old spayed female American Cocker Spaniel was presented with a 4-week history of anorexia and a 1-week history of abdominal distension. Clinicopathologic and imaging abnormalities included intra-abdominal hemorrhage, granular lymphocytes (GLs) in abdominal fluid smears, a splenic mass, and hepatomegaly with diffuse multiple hypoechogenic nodules. Based on the cytologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical evaluation of the spleen and liver, the diagnosis was hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTCL) of GLs. Postoperatively, the dog was maintained in good condition with chemotherapy (ACNU [nimustine], L-asparaginase, and prednisolone). However, on day 85, ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the liver revealed a proliferation in neoplastic mast cells not associated with the GLs. The dog was diagnosed with a visceral mast cell tumor (MCT) originating from the liver. The chemotherapy was switched to vinblastine and toceranib. The dog remained in good condition until day 141 but died due to the progression of MCT on day 158. Liver cytology on day 155 showed no GLs, although HSTCL is thought to be resistant to chemotherapy. After the definitive diagnosis of HSTCL, we monitored this patient's response to chemotherapy with blood tests, including complete blood counts, ultrasound imaging, and cytologic aspirates of liver. Although canine HSTCL has a poor prognosis, the possibility of a new neoplasm, including visceral MCT, should be considered. Periodic liver cytology might be worthwhile in dogs receiving chemotherapy for HSTCL.

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