
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFWRS) is an acute infectious disease with abrupt onset, high fever, renal failure and frequent hemorragies. HFWRS during the pregnancy has relatively low occurrence, with only few described cases mostly in the region of the former Soviet Union. Although, according to the data from the literature, the disease is less severe during the pregnancy, the eclampsy, stillbirth and fetal infection were also described. During the summer period, June-September 2002 in the area of northeast Montenegro, and mainly among people whose job was connected with rural areas, the HFRS was observed more frequently. In that area during the stated period, 12 patients underwent treatment whose disease was confirmed by the IIF method at the Torlak Institute of Virology in Belgrade. Among the patients there were two pregnant women aged 23 and 29 (both in their second pregnancies), in the 23rd and 26th gestational week, respectively. The aim of this study is to present 2 case studies and to show the disease impact on fetal development. The patients aged 23 and 29 yrs, were previously healthy women in their second pregnancies (23rd and 26th gestational week, respectively). The disease had typical beginning. The predictions made according to the laboratory abnormalities and the level of oliguria were that the disease would have a less severe course. Hemorrraghic syndrome was less prominent, and the laboratory analyses were normalized after 15 to 18 days. The monitoring of pregnancy during the disease period and after recovering showed no fetal suffering. The patients had PV delivery, in 39-th an 40-th, respectively. The newborns blood testing on Hantan viruses was done by ELISA method in Torlak Institute, Belgrade. Only the IgG antibodies (1/512), were detected, the IgM antibodies were not found. Two years later the tests were repeated, and showed negative results.

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