
The Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) is a popular display animal in public aquaria and an important fisheries resource, but hematologic values for this species have not been reported. This study investigated hematocrit, leucocyte counts, and leucocyte differential counts for 29 captive Acadian redfish collected in 2006 and 2008. All fish were judged to be in good health based on behavior, appetite, physical examination, skin cytology, and gill biopsy. Fish were anesthetized with tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) for blood collection from the ventral coccygeal vasculature. In 2008, MS-222 was buffered with sodium bicarbonate. Hematocrit values ranged from 27% to 45% (mean = 33% in 2006, mean = 31% in 2008). Leucocyte counts ranged from 670 to 35,000 cells/microl (mean = 6430 cells/microl in 2006, and 13,130 cells/microl in 2008). Lymphocytes were the most numerous of the leucocytes, followed by neutrophils and monocytes. Eosinophils and basophils were not seen. Fish weights were significantly greater in 2006, whereas total leucocyte counts, lymphocyte counts, and monocyte counts were significantly greater in 2008. Differences in leucogram values between the two groups may have been due to differences in size, age, anesthetic method, or other undetected factors. This is the first report of leucogram values for a species of the family Scorpaenidae. In general, values were similar to those of other teleosts, in which leucocyte counts can be quite variable.

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