
Hegel undoubtedly, one of the most famous philosophers of the modern time, sees human history as a dialectical method which involves thesis, antithesis and synthesis. This famous method which is also commonly referred to as dialectics was the brainchild of Hegel who considered human history as a process of development involving human spirit, consciousness and freedom. Starting with the thesis, Spirit is an abstract entity which already contains its antithesis. Spirit becomes real through its antithesis of human consciousness. Human being, the opposition of Spirit, helps the Spirit to actualize its self-purpose of freedom. When the Spirit finally attains its purpose i.e. freedom becomes the synthesis. This process in history continues but in higher form than the first. For inherent in every synthesis (which in turn becomes the thesis) is its antithesis, then to synthesis. Hegel considers the ultimate aim of human history as to attain freedom which is the final product of spirit and consciousness. Development comes out as a parallel but the vital product of this process of freedom in human history. Freedom, spirit and reasoning are some of his key concepts in this regard which he tends to connect with human history in a meaningful manner. Precisely, Hegel observes and interprets human history as the process of attainment of a better state of freedom and development. This study aims to briefly explain and discuss the key concepts of Hegelian philosophy of development and how human history has progressed towards development and freedom.

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