
Introduction Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils: A Review of Sources, Chemistry, Risks and Best Available Strategies for Remediation, Raymond A. Wuana and Felix E. Okieimen Heavy Metal Contamination Leaching Behavior of Heavy Metals and Transformation of Their Speciation in Polluted Soil Receiving Simulated Acid Rain, Shun-an Zheng, Xiangqun Zheng, and Chun Chen Spatially Explicit Analysis of Metal Transfer to Biota: Influence of Soil Contamination and Landscape, Clementine Fritsch, Michael Coeurdassier, Patrick Giraudoux, Francis Raoul, Francis Douay, Dominique Rieffel, Annette de Vaufleury, and Renaud Scheifler Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Sediment in Zambia, Yoshinori Ikenaka, Shouta M. M. Nakayama, Kaampwe Muzandu, Kennedy Choongo, Hiroki Teraoka, Naoharu Mizuno, and Mayumi Ishizuka Human Exposure Pathways of Heavy Metals in a Lead-Zinc Mining Area, Jiangsu Province, China, Chang-Sheng Qu, Zong-Wei Ma, Jin Yang, Yang Liu, Jun Bi, and Lei Huang Analysis and Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination Integrated Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments from a Coastal Industrial Basin, NE China, Xiaoyu Li, Lijuan Liu, Yugang Wang, Geping Luo, Xi Chen, Xiaoliang Yang, Bin Gao, and Xingyuan He A Determination of Metallothionein in Larvae of Freshwater Midges (Chironomus riparius) Using Brdicka Reaction, Ivo Fabrik, Zuzana Ruferova, Klara Hilscherova, Vojtech Adam, Libuse Trnkova, and Rene Kizek Multivariate Statistical Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Sources of Groundwater Around a Lead and Zinc Plant, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, and Abdolhossein Parizanganeh Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination of Agricultural Soil around Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh: Implication of Seasonal Variation and Indices, Syed Hafizur Rahman, Dilara Khanam, Tanveer Mehedi Adyel, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Mohammad Aminul Ahsan, and Mohammad Ahedul Akbor Remediation of Heavy Metal Contamination Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals: A Green Technology, P. Ahmadpour, F. Ahmadpour, T. M. M. Mahmud, Arifin Abdu, M. Soleimani, and F. Hosseini Tayefeh Assessment of the Efficacy of Chelate-Assisted Phytoextraction of Lead by Coffeeweed (Sesbania exaltata Raf.), Gloria Miller, Gregorio Begonia, Maria Begonia, Jennifer Ntoni, and Oscar Hundley Sustainable Sources of Biomass for Bioremediation of Heavy Metals in Waste Water Derived from Coal-Fired Power Generation, Richard J. Saunders, Nicholas A. Paul, Yi Hu, and Rocky de Nys Characterization of the Metabolically Modified Heavy Metal-Resistant Cupriavidus metallidurans Strain MSR33 Generated for Mercury Bioremediation, Luis A. Rojas, Carolina Yanez, Myriam Gonzalez, Soledad Lobos, Kornelia Smalla, and Michael Seeger A Ferritin from Dendrorhynchus zhejiangensis with Heavy Metals Detoxification Activity, Chenghua Li, Zhen Li, Ye Li, Jun Zhou, Chundan Zhang, Xiurong Su, and Taiwu Li Index

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