
Physical fitness is very important for athletes. It is because by knowing the physical fitness, an athlete can do excellent physical exercise, such as running exercises that can lead to physiological changes in athletes and physical fitness. Ganesha Sport Center (GSC) is a business unit developed by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha), which is managed by the Faculty of Sport and Health (FOK). However, based on observations made by the research team to the GSC, tools for monitoring athlete’s fitness, especially heartbeat are not available in the GSC. Based on discussions with GSC administrator, the need to develop a tool for monitoring the heartbeats of athletes, so that trainers can monitor athletes’ condition, especially the athlete’s heart condition. Based on this, it is deemed necessary to conduct research on the development of a tool to measure the heartbeats of athletes in the GSC. This research is an applied research in Science and Technology field to support sports facilities in GSC which is a business unit and also a lecture facility at Faculty of Sport and Health, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Based on the result of Blackbox testing that has been carried out, the heartbeats measurement prototype development based on IoT can be declared successful and feasible to be implemented. Beside using blackbox testing, the prototype was also tested by measuring the sensor voltage requirements in measuring heart rate and temperature. From that test, it can be concluded that any increase in temperature or heart rate requires a greater voltage, and vice versa. This is because the sensor requires more power when the temperature or heart rate increases.

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