
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that has an impact on children’s health and the country’s economy. The government has tried to reduce stunting as a mandate of the constitution, but Indonesia is still among the third countries with the highest prevalence of stunting in the world. This study aims to analyze the views of human rights for children with stunting and formulate efforts to uphold human rights against the problem of stunting. The type of research used is normative legal research. The legal materials collected was analyzed qualitatively by explaining the existing theories logically, systematically to get significant and scientific results. The results of the study showed that the high prevalence of stunting as evidence of government failure in law enforcement against the problem of malnutrition. Ignoring children’srightsis a form of human rights violations committed by the state. Another factor that has an influence on stunting is the environment, where if the environment where the child lives does not implement healthy living behavior, then automatically the child's health condition will be disturbed, including nutritional problems and stunting. Need to regulate the law related to stunting as a manifestation of state responsibility in upholding children’s rights. Prevention and handling of stunting is carried out holistically in various sectors with commitment and synergy between the central/regional government, parents, family and community.

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