
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis where a third of the world's population is estimated to have been infected by the disease and has become the center of world attention with many control efforts that have been carried out, incidents that have attracted the attention of health workers in the form of death , although the death rate has decreased, new TB cases continue to increase this is caused by the lack of education and undisciplined behavior by tuberculosis sufferers. The purpose of this study is knowledge and behavior of taking medication before health education, knowledge and behavior of taking medication after health education and analyzing the effect of health education on the application of the Health Belief Model theory on knowledge and behavior of taking medication in tuberculosis patients in the working area of ​​the Batang-Batang Health Center. This research is a quantitative pre-experimental approach with a cross sectional survey design on 100 tuberculosis patients at the Batang-Batang Health Center, Sumenep Regency, the sample was taken using a simple random sampling method. Data collection uses a data collection format, a parametric test type questionnaire with interval data type using a Likert scale with a range of 1, then the data is analyzed using paired T test and linear regression test. The results showed that almost all respondents had knowledge before being given sufficient education category as many as 85 respondents (85%) and almost all respondents had behavior before being given sufficient education category as many as 86 respondents (86%), almost all respondents had knowledge after being given education at good category as many as 97 respondents (97%) and almost all respondents have behavior after being given education in the good category as many as 99 respondents (99%) and there is a relationship between Health Belief Theory on knowledge and drug-taking behavior in tuberculosis patients in the working area of ​​Batang-Batang Public Health Center.
 Conclusion: There is a relationship between Health Belief Theory on knowledge and behavior of taking medication for tuberculosis patients in the working area of ​​Batang-Batang Public Health Center. With the patient's knowledge that is still lacking, it can be improved by providing adequate information/education, especially about tuberculosis related causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention including how to take the right medicine.

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