
Thailand has now reached a new demographic turning point with the advent of an ageing society. Improvements in the health care system and technology advancement over recent decades mean that Thais can now enjoy better health in old age than previously. Life expectancy at birth for the Thai population has been increasing steadily, and there has been an improvement among older persons in all aspects of health behaviors. Even though the majority of Thai elderly are sufficiently healthy to take care of themselves, there are an increasing number of elderly people who have difficulty with essential daily activities, leading to problems with disability and dependency. Non communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, osteoarthritis, cardio-cerebrovascular diseases and tumor are some of the major health problems confronting older Thais. Due a higher incidence of illness and chronic conditions as compared to young people, the elderly typically require different types of care and health services. As Thailand becomes an ageing society, health services and proper care systems specifically for the elderly group need to be prepared and well established. Given the far greater likelihood of chronic conditions and disabilities among older persons compared to the rest of population, pressures on long-term care facilities and services will increase enormously. The issue of ageing should be given a high priority in both local and national government agendas. All sectors should be involved in adjusting care systems and programs to accommodate the rapid growth of older persons and the relative balance of age groups within the population. It will be crucial for the health sectors to provide services oriented towards geriatric and long-term care issues.

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