
This work is part of the project “Determining factors in the reading habits of Secondary Education students. A study from the variables of the educational context” (PR2017040), financed by the Own Research Plan of the University of Cadiz. The main objective of the study is focused on analyzing those determining factors that affect the formation of new readers in the school in a global and integrating way. Taking as a reference the idea of the ecosystem or ecological environment of Bronfenbrenner (2001), an analogy is made with the educational system and the agents that intervene in the reading habits of adolescents in their educational stage of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). These approaches were used to review a Questionnaire on Reading Habits, which the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport presented in an ambitious Plan to Promote Reading in 2001 and to adapt it to the needs of the PR2017040 Project. The conclusions illustrate that this complex issue of reading habits cannot be studied with a questionnaire as the only research instrument, since it is necessary to give voice to the different agents that participate in the process and, therefore, agree with Molina et al. (2011) in proposing the design research model to understand and improve the educational reality through the consideration of natural contexts in all their complexity.

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