
Cloud computing (CC), which provides numerous benefits to customers, is a new revolution in information technology. The benefits are on-demand, support, scalability, along with reduced cost usage of computing resources. However, with the prevailing techniques, the system’s authentication is still challenging and it leads to being vulnerable. Thus, utilizing Barrel Shift-centric Whirlpool Hashing-Secure Diffie Hellman ASCII Key-Elliptic Curve Cryptography (BSWH-SDHAK-ECC), the hashed access policy (AP)-grounded secure data transmission is presented in this paper. The data owner (DO) registers their information initially. The user login and verify their profile grounded on the registration. The user selects the data to upload to the Cloud Server (CS) after successful verification. The AP is created; after that, the image attributes are extracted; also, utilizing the BSWH approach, a hash code is produced for the AP. Concurrently, by utilizing the Adaptive Binary Shift-based Huffman Encoding (ABSHE) technique, the selected image is compressed. Also, by utilizing the SDHAK-ECC algorithm, the compressed image is encrypted. Lastly, to the CS, the created AP along with the encrypted image is uploaded. The data user sent the request to access and downloads the data. After that, the AP was provided to the user by the data owner. Next, the user sends it to the CS, which checks its AP with the user’s AP. When the AP is matched with the cloud AP, the encrypted data is downloaded and decrypted. Finally, the experimental outcomes revealed that the proposed model achieved a higher security value of 0.9970 that shows the proposed framework’s efficient performance in contrast to the prevailing techniques.

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