
Pd-based electrocatalysts synthesized by mechanical alloying were contaminated with ZrO2 due to an excessive process time that wore down the ZrO2 milling media balls. Instead of disposing the materials and taking into account the synergistic properties that Pd-based materials and ZrO2 could present since ZrO2 is an active oxide with photocatalytic activity, these samples were characterized through physicochemical and electrocatalytic tests, to finally be used as non-reported Pd-ZrO2-based (photo)electrocatalysts for the glycerol oxidation reaction (GOR). XRD measurements confirmed the metals alloy formation and the presence of zirconium oxide to obtain the bimetallic composites PdCo/ZrO2, PdNi/ZrO2, and PdRu/ZrO2, as well as the trimetallic PdRuCo/ZrO2 and PdRuNi/ZrO2. Physicochemical analysis showed that PdRuNi/ZrO2 presented the smallest crystallite size (14.55 nm) and the highest surface area (8.76 m2/g). Photoluminescence measurements also show that PdRuNi/ZrO2 presented the lowest emission signal, which indicates a lower charge carrier’s recombination rate. XPS measurements demonstrate the presence of different metal oxide species in alkaline medium responsible for electrostatic interactions that improve the glycerol adsorption onto the metallic centers. Electrochemical tests showed high stability for all the composites; however, the analysis of the capacitive region allowed us to calculate the electrochemical surface area (ECSA), PdRuNi/ZrO2 gave the highest value (above 7 cm−2). Confirming the results mentioned above, PdRuNi/ZrO2 showed the highest activity to carry out the electrochemical oxidation of glycerol. Regarding photoactivity, the Pd-ZrO2-based composites presented a glycerol oxidation increase up to 17 % when they were light-irradiated through a photoelectrocatalytic arrangement. PdRuNi/ZrO2 seems to be a promising material to perform the electro- but also the photoelectro- GOR in alkaline medium.

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