
Preface. Part 1: Motivation and Need Recognition 1. Interpretive Consumer Research: Uncovering the 'Whys' Underlying Tourist Behavior 2. Antecedents and Consequences of Prestige Motivation in Tourism: An Expectancy-Value Motivation Part 2: Perception and Information Processing 3. Tourism Destination Image Formation 4. Tourist Information Search Part 3: Evaluation of Alternatives and Choice 5. Decision Strategies in Tourism Evaluation 6. Planning and Exploratory Buying Behavior Part 4: The Tourism Experience 7. Understanding Tourist Experience though Mindfulness Theory 8. Unlocking the Shared Experience: Challenges of Consumer Experience Research Part 5: Post-Choice Processes 9. Processes and Performances of Tourist (Dis)Satisfaction 10. Service Failure, Tourist Complaints and Service Recovery 11. What Determines Tourist Loyalty? In Search of a Theoretical Explanation Part 6: Individual Determinants of Tourist Behavior 12. Tourism Segmentation by Consumer-Based Variables 13. Emotions and Affective States in Tourism Behaviour Part 7: Environmental Determinants of Tourist Behavior 14. E-tourist Behavior: The Influence of IT on Consumers 15. The Role of Media Products on Consumer Behaviour in Tourism 16. Cross-Cultural Differences in Tourist Behavior

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