
Halomethoxybenzenes (HMBs) are a group of compounds with natural and anthropogenic origins. Here we extend a 2002–2015 survey of bromoanisoles (BAs) in the air and precipitation at Råö on the Swedish west coast and Pallas in Subarctic Finland. New BAs data are reported for 2018 and 2019 and chlorinated HMBs are included for these and some previous years: drosophilin A methyl ether (DAME: 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3,6-dimethoxybenzene), tetrachloroveratrole (TeCV: 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-5,6-dimethoxybenzene), and pentachloroanisole (PeCA). The order of abundance of HMBs at Råö was ΣBAs > DAME > TeCV > PeCA, whereas at Pallas the order of abundance was DAME > ΣBAs > TeCA > PeCA. The lower abundance of BAs at Pallas reflects its inland location, away from direct marine influence. Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) plots of log partial pressure (Pair)/Pa versus 1/T suggested distant transport at both sites for PeCA and local exchange for DAME and TeCV. BAs were dominated by distant transport at Pallas and by both local and distant sources at Råö. Relationships between air and precipitation concentrations were examined by scavenging ratios, SR = (ng m−3)precip/(ng m−3)air. SRs were higher at Pallas than Råö due to greater Henry's law partitioning of gaseous compounds into precipitation at colder temperatures. DAME is produced by terrestrial fungi. We screened 19 fungal species from Swedish forests and found seven of them contained 0.01–3.8 mg DAME per kg fresh weight. We suggest that the volatilization of DAME from fungi and forest litter containing fungal mycelia may contribute to atmospheric levels at both sites.

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