
This essay examines Haitian cultural and programmatic barriers to modern contraception and reports on types of unions as they relate to pregnancy and the prevalance of contraception. Findings from three mini-surveys representing 2383 rural and urban women in unions show that the most popular unions are é and é (legal marriage and setting up an househol Among rural women living in unstable relationships, vivav'ek, remen and menaj (living with someone, lovers, living as a pair), about 18% reported being pregnant at the time of the surveys. Findings also reveal that more urban women use contraceptive methods (23%) than do rural women (13%). However, the choice of contraceptive method appears to be influenced by medical staff and the availability of methods. Discussion examines the results of the surveys, women's position within the culture and attitudes toward the use of modern contraception. It also gives suggestions for improving family planning services by reinforcing the training of providers and supplementing their work with a team of volunteers who would encourage and support first-time users and dissatisfied users with meetings and home visits. It is also suggested that the promotion of informal education and the teaching of practical skills in mothers' clubs would encourage women to become economically independent from their partners so they would not focus on reproduction as a means to tie a man to them for emotional and economic purposes.

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