
From the doctoral research on the recurrent discourse that is lacking to the teachers who work with students with disabilities the knowledge necessary for the exercise of teaching, this article seeks to problematize the epistemological assumption of teacher knowledge as a criterion of truth, indicating ways of teaching (non) knowing the challenges of inclusive school. Therefore, we present the article in two axes: in the first, we discuss the idea of ignorance and (not) knowing; in the second, we problematize the experience of the outside as a place of wandering and inventiveness. It is a theoretical reflection based on Platao (1972), Ranciere (2012; 2015), Blanchot (2005), Kohan (2015), Masschelein and Simons (2014; 2015; 2017), Larrosa (1998; 2011; 2015; 2016), among others. In our final words, we write in the sense that (non) knowing allows error, the discovery of the new and the possibility of inventiveness in the school space.

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