
H-Y antigen has been used as a marker for the heterogametic sex and is assumed to be an organizing factor for the heterogametic gonad. In the turtle Emys orbicularis, H-Y antigen is restricted to the female cells, indicating a female heterogamety (ZZ/ZW) sex-determining mechanism. Moreover, the sexual differentiation of the gonads is temperature sensitive, and complete sex reversal can be obtained at will. In this framework the relationships between H-Y antigen, temperature, and gonadal phenotype were studied. Mouse H-Y antiserum was absorbed with blood and gonadal cells of control wild male and female adults, and with blood and gonadal cells from three lots of young turtles from eggs incubated at 25-26 degrees C (100% phenotypic males), at 30-30.5 degrees C (100% phenotypic females), or at 28.5-29 degrees C (majority of females with some males and intersexes). The residual activity of H-Y antiserum was then estimated using an immunobacterial rosette technique. In adults, both blood cells and gonadal cells were typed as H-Y negative in males and as H-Y positive in females. In each of the three lots of young, blood cells were H-Y negative in some individuals and H-Y positive in others. The proposed interpretation is that the H-Y negative individuals were genotypic males (ZZ) and the H-Y positive were genotypic females (ZW). The gonads of these animals were then pooled in different sets according to their sexual phenotype and to the presumed genotypic sex (i.e., blood H-Y phenotype). Testicular cells were typed as H-Y negative in genotypic males as well as in the presumed sex-reversed genotypic females; likewise, ovarian cells were typed as H-Y positive in genotypic females as well as in the presumed sex-reversed genotypic males. These results provide additional evidence that H-Y antigen expression is closely associated with ovarian structure in vertebrates displaying a ZZ/ZW sex-determining mechanism.

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