
We assessed whether the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) task force guidelines for perioperative cardiac evaluation could reliably stratify cardiac risk before aortic surgery. We retrospectively applied the guidelines to a closed database, set up prospectively. The setting was a referral center in an institutional practice with hospitalized patients. The closed database included 133 patients who had a routine cardiac examination, which comprised an estimation of functional capacity and noninvasive testing, before aortic surgery. This cardiac evaluation led to the proposal of coronarography in 23 patients and to treating an underlying coronary artery disease in 21 patients (including three myocardial revascularizations). One patient died after myocardial revascularization, and two patients died of cardiac causes after aortic surgery. The algorithm of the ACC/AHA guidelines was applied independently by two investigators to each patient's file that was included in the existing database. The main outcome measure was a comparison between cardiac risk stratification with the ACC/AHA guidelines and the results of the routine cardiac evaluation. The ACC/AHA guidelines were successfully applied to all 133 files by the two investigators. After applying the algorithm, 73 patients were stratified as low cardiac risk, and 60 patients were stratified as high risk. The 21 patients who had undergone a preoperative coronary artery disease optimization were stratified as high risk by means of the ACC/AHA guidelines. The patients who died from cardiac causes were stratified as high risk by means of the ACC/AHA guidelines, whereas none of the patients stratified as low risk died during hospitalization. The ACC/AHA guidelines were effective in stratifying cardiac risk by using clinical predictors and an estimate of the physical capacity of the patient. Their use may allow a reduction in unnecessary noninvasive testing in patients stratified as being at low risk, while permitting the selection of all patients likely to benefit from preoperative coronary artery disease optimization.

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