
Digital Enterprise Technology (DET) is “the collection of systems and methods for the digital modelling and analysis of the global product development and realisation process in the context of lifecycle management”. The international conference series of Digital Enterprise Technology aims to provide a forum for academia and industrialists to disseminate, to all branches industries and businesses, information and knowledgeonthemostrecentandrelevantinnovations,theoriesand practices in electronic business and digital enterprise technology. The 6th CIRP-Sponsored International Conference of Digital Enterprise Technology (DET2009) was held on 14–16December2009atTheUniversityofHongKong.This special issue consists of 8 or 9 papers best papers selected fromthosepresentedatDET2009.Thesepaperscoverasetof issues concerning some recent important research and applicationdevelopmentsofdigitalenterprisetechnologies,formingthebroadbasisofresearchagendatoidentifyandexplore the ways in which digital enterprise technologies can facilitate the users and their actions.

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