
Seven hundred and twenty, four weeks old Dandarawi chicks were used to study the effects of light source on growth performance and carcass traits. Chicks were divided into 3 equal groups (240 birds each) and housed in floor pens. The first group used as control and reared under incandescent light bulbs (IL), while the second and third groups reared under fluorescent (FL) and saving light bulbs (SL), respectively. All birds were raised under photoperiod of 12 hours per day, with light intensities of 5-10 Luxes. Feed and water were available ad lib. and all the other conditions were the same during the experimental period. Results showed that birds reared under SL and FL bulbs had significantly (P≤0.05) higher body weight (BW), daily weight gain (BWG), liver and giblets percentages than the control group. Also, birds reared under IL bulbs had significantly (P≤0.05) higher plumage condition and tonic immobility as compared to the other two groups. No significant differences (P≤0.05) were found between groups in leg problems, dressed carcass, drumsticks, femurs, breast, heart and gizzard among all groups. Finally, the economical efficiency of the birds reared under SL and FL bulbs was better than the IL groups during the growing period by 26.4 and 36.1%, respectively.

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