
Backcross SJL x (SJL x BALB/c)F1 and (SJL x BSVS)F1 mice were examined for their ability to support growth of transplantable SJL lymphoma (reticulum cell sarcoma (RCS). A marked linkage to H-2 was noted in that H-2s/d backcross mice failed to support tumor growth, while H-2s/s backcross mice showed approximately 70% of the growth seen in SJL mice, as judged by lymph node and spleen weights. Spleen cells obtained from backcross mice by splenectomy were examined for their ability to give proliferative responses to gamma-RCS cells, whereafter individual splenectomized mice were also examined for their ability to support lymphoma growth. Both properties showed a similar degree of linkage to H-2 and to each other, although there seemed to be a segregating non-H-2 BALB gene which also exerted an additional, less marked negative influence on the proliferative responses. It is suggested that the proliferative response in vivo may contribute to the lymphoma growth and that the presence of H-2d is inhibitory. (SJL x BSVS)F1 mice gave excellent proliferative responses and supported growth of RCS to approximately 80% of those of controls. These results confirm previous conclusions on the negative effect of H-21d in F1 hybrids on both phenomena.

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