
Cloned and unselected bone marrow-derived macrophage cell lines were obtained from A/J, AKR/J, BIO.A(5R), CBA/J, DBA/2, HPC, NZW, and [NZB X NZW]F 1 mice, and their interactions were studied in vitro with a lightly encapsulated natural serotype A isolate of Cryptococcus neoformans. Growth inhibition of C. neoformans was seen with all of the cell lines, as determined by enumeration of colony-forming units. Inhibition was enhanced by a high concentration (8%) of fresh mouse serum and was the same for serum obtained from AKR/J (C5 deficient) and BIO.A (C5 normal) mice. Macrophage incubation with fresh AKR/J serum which had been absorbed with heat-killed Cryptococcus cells also inhibited C. neoformans growth. Heat-inactivation, EDTA addition or anti-C3 antibody treatment of fresh serum abolished the opsonic activity for C. neoformans, while EGTA addition to fresh serum was without effect on opsonization. In addition, neither IgM nor IgG 1 murine monoclonal antibodies specific for C. neoformans enhanced phagocytosis or killing of the yeast by macrophages. These findings are consistent with the interpretation that C3b is an important modulator of interactions between macrophages and C. neoformans.

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