
Abstract Various kinds of doped KTiOPO4 and its analogue crystals including KTiAsO4(KTA) and RbTiOAsO4(RTA) crystals have been grown with a flux method. The UV cutoff, variation and IR transmission of these crystals are determined. The homogeneity of the crystals is also observed with optical and X-ray topography. Results show that KTA and RTA possess the best IR transmission. The homogeneity of Ce:KTP or KTP is better than the others. The UV cutoff edge of the various kinds of KTP crystals is similar. Conductivity measurements revealed that the value of the conductivity of Rb and Ga doped KTP was 2–3 orders of magnitude lower than that of KTP crystals grown with the flux method. By using a Ga:KTP crystal, a periodic structure was constructed. The negative side of the periodic structure is not as regular as the positive side. The relationship between the reduction of conductivity and the homogeneity of the KTP family crystals is discussed. To meet the needs for low conductivity KTP crystals, more attempts should be made to reduce the conductivity as well as to understand its mechanism.

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