
A field experiment on ‘Growth and yield of finger millet as influenced by tillage and organic nutrient management under finger millet-french bean cropping system’ was conducted at Agronomical Research Farm, Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand during 2020-21 and 2021-22. The experiment laid out in a split-plot design with three replication. The experiment consisted of four main plot treatments viz., conventional tillage–conventional tillage (CT–CT), conventional tillage–zero tillage (CT–ZT), zero tillage–conventional tillage (ZT–CT) and zero tillage–zero tillage (ZT-ZT) and subplot has four treatments with different sources of organic nutrient management viz., 100% N through FYM, 100% N through vermicompost, 50% N through FYM + 50% N through vermicompost and 75% N through FYM + 25% N through vermicompost. Significantly highest value of number of tillers (121.15), leaf area index at 90 DAS (2.65), dry matter accumulation at maturity (865.61 g/m2), crop growth rate at 90 DAS-maturity (9.47 g/m2/day), number of effective tillers (112.96), number of fingers/ear (6.66), number of grains/ear (1085.26), ear weight (6.59 g), grain (23.90 q/ha) and straw yield (38.85 q/ha) were observed in conventional tillage- conventional tillage. Among organic source, 100% N through vermicompost gave significant maximum value of number of tillers (121.37), leaf area index at 90 DAS (2.67), dry matter accumulation at maturity (873.36 g/m2), crop growth rate at 90 DAS-maturity (9.67 g/m2/day), number of effective tillers (113.12), number of fingers/ear (6.76), number of grains/ear (1094.19), ear weight (6.61 g), grain (24.25 q/ha) and straw yield (38.93 q/ha).

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