
Totko river basin is a semi-arid watershed, which undergoes severe water crisis during the dry season. Presently, due to increase in population, demand of food has increased leading to a rise in growth of high yield crop variety and usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. So, surface water as well as groundwater is getting polluted. In this study assessment of groundwater vulnerability of Totko river basin has been done using DRASTIC and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) models. For this, seven hydrogeological parameters have been considered which are; Depth to water level (D), Net Recharge (R), Aquifer media (A), Soil media (S), Topography (T), Impact of vadose zone (I) and Hydraulic Conductivity (C). Weight and rating analysis of the seven criteria and their sub-criteria have been done using generic DRASTIC algorithm and AHP comparison matrix. Ground Water Vulnerability Map (GWV) obtained from DRASTIC and AHP analysis has been divided into five vulnerable classes. Area of very high vulnerable zone is 6.53% more in AHP based vulnerability as compared to Generic DRASTIC. Similarly, these regions show a high nitrate concentration (30–50 ppm) in groundwater. GWV maps have been validated through nitrate concentration and the accuracy of the models have been assessed through Pearson's correlation coefficient and Kappa coefficient. To prevent groundwater contamination proper land use planning and watershed management are necessary, for which vulnerable zones need to be demarcated and DRASTIC is a useful model for vulnerability assessment.

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