
Groundwater is a vital resource in coastal areas to supply domestic, drinking, irrigation and industrial needs. To study the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater and their suitability, Thirty-one (31) groundwater samples were collected from the shallow tubewells in the plain of the Djendjen river (North-East of Algeria). The water quality assessment has been carried out by evaluating the physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, EC, major ions i.e., Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, HCO3- and nutrients (NH4+, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-). The chemical parameters plotted in Piper’s diagram show the dominance of two chemical facies “calcium and sodium chloride” and “calcium bicarbonate”. Based on the analytical results, groundwater in the area is found to be generally suitable for drinking. The organic pollution index (OPI) show that the water is generally in the good quality category with no organic pollution. Chemical parameters when plotted in the U.S. Salinity diagram indicate that waters are C2S1 and C3S1 types, i.e., medium to high salinity and low sodium which is good for irrigation. Four corrosion indices were calculated (The indices include the Langelier saturation index, Ryznar stability index, Puckorius scaling index, Larson). The result indicates the corrosive nature of the majority of water samples.

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