
The exact, low-density many-boson expansion for the ground-state energy is rearranged in a quantum-thermodynamic perturbation series. Extrapolation to physical densities is implemented order by order via Pad\'e-type approximants. Several ways of splitting the pair Lennard-Jones (LJ) or Aziz potentials are considered, including the Barker-Henderson (BH) and Weeks-Chandler-Andersen (WCA) schemes familiar from classical fluid studies. Results obtained using the LJ interaction with WCA splitting, when compared with benchmark simulation data, agree excellently in energy and density, but only moderately so in sound velocity. For the Aziz potential, however---perhaps because of a softer core and/or its ability to support a two-particle bound state---, neither potential splitting (BH or WCA) gave results of the LJ quality, but a method intermediate between BH and WCA proves to be superior. Our results are also compared with other recent alternative calculations, both variational and perturbative.

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