
The ground state and excited state manifolds are computed for PrF(2+) and PmF(2+) at the CASSCF (n,8) level of theory where the active space spans the Ln 4f orbitals as well as the F 2pz orbital. Dynamical correlation is included using second-order multireference quasidegenerate perturbation theory (MCQDPT2). The spin-orbit multiplets for each of the excited states are resolved, and spin-orbit coupling constants are computed using the Breit-Pauli spin-orbit operator. Equilibrium geometries for each of the ground and excited states are computed, and the nature of the Ln-F bond is examined. Potential energy curves for the lowest four triplet states and lowest two quintet states are computed for PrF(2+), which split into 14 levels upon application of the spin-orbit Hamiltonian. Likewise, the lowest six quintet states are computed for PmF(2+) as well as the lowest triplet state and the lowest two septet states. These nine states split into 43 terms upon application of the spin-orbit Hamiltonian.

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