
Working as an IT employee who must meet Service Level Agreement (SLA) to customers means having to do the best for customers even though they are no longer in working hours. This way of working will ultimately affect the quality of life. Therefore, this study aims to determine which of the grit, perceived organizational support and job characteristics will affect the quality of life of IT employees. This research was conducted using a non-probability sampling technique, namely employees who work in the IT department who have service standards to customers in carrying out their work. Research data collection was carried out twice with a data collection time of 1 to 3 weeks between the first study and the second study. The number of participants in the first study was 199 people and the second study was 128 people. The results showed that job characteristics became the dominant factor affecting the quality of life of IT employees. Meanwhile, grit and perceived organizational support do not affect the quality of life of IT employees. With about 70 percent of the study participants being male, it is understandable if work becomes an important part of a person's life so that even though he works with high work demands he still feels he has a good quality of life.


  • Bekerja sebagai karyawan informasi dan telekomunikasi (IT) yang harus memenuhi standar layanan kepada pelanggan berarti harus melakukan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan meskipun sudah tidak lagi di jam kerja

  • This study aims to determine which of the grit, perceived organizational support and job characteristics will affect the quality of life of IT employees

  • The results showed that job characteristics became the dominant factor affecting the quality of life of IT employees

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Tinjauan Pustaka Kualitas Hidup

Konsep kualitas hidup secara luas mencakup bagaimana seseorang mengukur “kebaikan” dari berbagai aspek kehidupan mereka. Skill variety adalah sejauh mana pekerjaan membutuhkan berbagai kegiatan yang berbeda agar dapat diselesaikan, yang melibatkan penggunaan sejumlah keterampilan dan bakat yang berbeda dari seseorang (Hackman & Oldham, dalam Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013). Task significance adalah sejauh mana pekerjaan itu memiliki dampak besar pada kehidupan orang lain, baik orang-orang yang berada dalam organisasi maupun orang-orang lain secara umum (Hackman & Oldham, dalam Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013). Menurut Hackman & Oldham dalam Ivancevich & Konopaske (2013), Autonomy adalah sejauh mana suatu pekerjaan memberikan kebebasan, dan kemandirian kepada individu dalam menjadwalkan pekerjaan dan dalam menentukan prosedur yang akan digunakan dalam melaksanakannya, atau suatu tingkatan dimana pekerja memiliki kontrol dan keleluasaan untuk mengatur pekerjaan mereka (Judge dalam Haryanto & Suyasa, 2007). Feedback menunjukkan bahwa suatu hasil pekerjaan memberikan informasi mengenai cara pengerjaan dan efektivitas kerja

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