
In this analysis, the integration of Power-to-Gas for creating hydrogen enriched natural gas and renewable natural gas are compared with conventional natural gas for their lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and costs. In this analysis, the authors examine the use of Power-to-Gas concept to generate hydrogen for hydrogen enriched natural gas and renewable natural gas, which is consumed by industrial end users, and power generation facilities. To perform this analysis, a simulation is developed of a hydrogen production facility, which utilizes a number of 2MW Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers. A lifecycle assessment is implemented to examine the resultant emissions performance of the hydrogen enriched natural gas and renewable natural gas in comparison to conventional natural gas. In addition, the authors employ an economic analysis for developing both hydrogen enriched natural gas and renewable natural gas facilities. A carbon credit value is used to monetize the significant emissions reductions provided by both fuel types. The analysis performed herein is specifically topical to the energy systems of Ontario, Canada, where there is a substantial natural gas infrastructure and the introduction of a cap-and-trade system is being touted by the provincial government.

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