
The motive of this work is to study gravitational collapse in Husain space-time in Brans-Dicke gravity theory. Among many scalar-tensor theories of gravity, Brans-Dicke is the simplest and the impact of it can be regulated by two parameters associated with it, namely, the Brans-Dicke parameter, $\omega$, and the potential-scalar field dependency parameter $n$ respectively. V. Husain's work on exact solution for null fluid collapse in 1996 has influenced many authors to follow his way to find the end-state of the homogeneous/in-homogeneous dust cloud. Vaidya's metric is used all over to follow the nature of future outgoing radial null geodesics. Detecting whether the central singularity is naked or wrapped by an event horizon, by the existence of future directed radial null geodesic emitted in past from the singularity is the basic objective. To point out the existence of positive trajectory tangent solution, both particular parametric cases(through tabular forms) and wide range contouring process have been applied. Precisely, perfect fluid's EoS satisfies a wide range of phenomena : from dust to exotic fluid like dark energy. We have used the EoS parameter $k$ to determine the end state of collapse in different cosmological era. Our main target is to check low $\omega$ (more deviations from Einstein gravity-more Brans Dicke effect) and negative $k$ zones. This particularly throws light on the nature of the end-state of collapse in accelerated expansion in Brans Dicke gravity. It is seen that for positive values of EoS parameter $k$, the collapse results in a black hole, whereas for negative values of $k$, naked singularity is the only outcome. It is also to be noted that "low $\omega$" leads to the possibility of getting more naked singularities even for a non-accelerating universe.

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