
AbstractIn tandem mass spectrometry, where typically one analyser is used to study the reactions of ions selected by another analyser from a mixture leaving the ion source, the output contains an additional dimension of information compared to that from conventional mass spectrometry. The increase in dimensionality tends to make the results less easy to assimilate and interpret, but the difficulties may be overcome in large measure by presenting the results in an appropriate graphical form. This review deals with the use of graphical representations of three‐dimensional data to display the results of experiments in tandem mass spectrometry. Perspective diagrams or contour maps can be used to show the identity of the parent and daughter ions for all of the reactions occurring in a tandem mass spectrometer, including reactions of positive ions, reactions of negative ions and charge inversion reactions. A graphical approach is particularly valuable when double focusing mass spectrometers are used for tandem mass spectrometry, because it can make it much easier to establish the origin of the ions contributing to an observed peak and thus to determine whether interference is occurring. Factors bearing on the choice of a coordinate system are discussed. Relationships characterizing the more important simple and linked scanning modes are listed and the features to which they correspond in two selected coordinate systems are shown. Factors that influence the resolution of neighbouring peaks by sector field tandem mass spectrometers are discussed.

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