
Reviewed by: Grail Quest: The Camelot Spell April Spisak Gilman, Laura Anne Grail Quest: The Camelot Spell. Parachute/HarperCollins, 2006 [304p] Library ed. ISBN 0-06-077280-8$14.89 Trade ed. ISBN 0-06-077279-4$10.99 Reviewed from galleys Ad Gr. 4-7 A much-anticipated quest for the Holy Grail is stalled in its tracks after all the adults at King Arthur's castle fall into an enchanted sleep. The children, however, remain awake, and three daring youths venture out to find the perpetrator of the spell before Camelot's enemies discover that kids are at the helm. Good prevails, [End Page 352] the adults are awakened with seconds to spare before the spell becomes permanent, and the three heroes see an improvement in their lives as reward for their bravery. Repugnant villains and small, solvable mysteries along the way make for an adventurous, captivating journey for the suddenly-in-charge kids. Unfortunately, the motley teen trio of stodgy squire, wisecracking stable boy, and gutsy servant girl remain mostly stereotypes rather than well-developed characters (how many times must the girl reassert her intelligence and strength, and how often can the stable boy and squire fight over who has the more interesting life or greater potential?). There are also several loose ends that appear to be left for the adults to fix, thus undermining the "empowered kids" drive of the novel. However, the brisk pace and always popular Camelot setting (which Gilman fleshes out with intriguing details about the Round Table and King Arthur's motivations) may nonetheless engage, and satisfy, medieval fiction fans. Copyright © 2006 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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