
Growing demand for higher education and the increasing diffi culty graduates’ face when looking for and securing appropriate work upon graduation, place heavy emphasis on the importance of an enhanced understanding of what constitutes employability. Interest in graduate employability produces benefi ts for all stakeholders, including universities, employers and graduates themselves. Th is comparative study aims to investigate graduates’ perceptions of competences and attributes important for employability, and compare these with employers’ expectations, for the purpose of raising awareness about the diff erences. It also aims to understand the extent to which employers are satisfi ed with HE to train work- ready graduates. Th is investigation reports on fi ndings from 206 graduate students and 134 employers. Evidence indicates that there is a modest degree of alignment between graduates and employers regarding competences and attributes important for employability. Both groups value willingness to learn and problem- solving skills highly, and agree that practical experience, subject knowledge and use of social networks are not signifi cant for employability. Employers appreciate learning skills, enthusiasm and motivation and intelligence more than graduates do. On the other hand, graduates believe that positive attitude towards change, written communication and public speaking skills substantially contribute to future labor market outcomes. In order to stand apart and gain positional advantage in the labor market, graduates need to be aware of this mismatch and take steps to acquire these competences and attributes outside university, and it is essential that universities adjust their curriculum, assessment methods and pedagogy in partnership with employers in order to minimize the gap between what is expected from and what is delivered through higher education.

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