
The employment prospects for most higher education graduates worldwide are bleak for a number of reasons including the negative effects of the massification of higher education, rapid technological change, the crisis in the conception of work in highly developed societies, and the neo‐liberal political and economic agenda. A number of survival strategies are proposed to students as well as ways to improve the link between employers and higher education institutions so as to improve the study/future employment match. Students are advised to be flexible, able and willing to innovate, entrepreneurial, proactive, and not only to be willing to take risks but to consider risk and uncertainty as forms of opportunity. ∗ Professor Ulrich Teichler, the author of this article, was chosen to serve as the rapporteur of the Fifth UNESCO/NGO Collective Consultation on Higher Education held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 10 through 12 February 1997 on the topic of Higher Education: the Consequences of Change for Gr...

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