
The structural setting of the Maltese Islands is governed by two rift systems of different ages and trends and the interference of both. Accompanying faults are exposed at many places along cliffs and belong to the most spectacular phenomena of rift faulting of the world. Malta is part of a wide shelf bridge that connects the Ragusa platform of southern Sicily and the Tripolitanian platform of northern Libya. The archipelago is underlain by a continental crust of African provenance. The older rift generation traversing the islands strikes about 50° to 70° to create a basin-and-range structure on western Malta, Comino and eastern Gozo. This micro-province is framed by two master faults at an average distance of 14 km. Crustal extension started during the Early Miocene, as observed by growth faulting and sedimentary dikes parallel to the future rift. A syndepositional uparching of about 200 m has preceded the physiographical rifting in post-Middle Miocene times. Discrete dip-slip faulting created an external wedge block, split by internal tilt blocks of antithetic character, both compensating an average 15% crustal spreading normal to the rift axis. Shoulder upwarping of approximately 120 m has evolved synchronously with the rifting. Structures of the first generation are crosscut by still active, second-generation rift faults, which on Malta strike about 120°, but on Gozo between 80° and 90°. These faults are associated with the Pantelleria rift, whose deep trough sets immediately south of the islands. Rifting was mainly originated during Late Miocene/Early Pliocene time to continue in parts up to the Present. A set of transform faults runs through the straits on both sides of Comino to form a complicated en echelon or Riedel shear structure on easternmost Gozo and westernmost Malta. Shoulder upwarping related to the Pantelleria rift has considerably tilted the block of Malta NNE-ward and caused the inundated river valleys of the natural harbour of Valletta. The superimposition of two rift structures of different trends has been caused principally by a rotation of the controlling stress regime about 10 m.y. ago. The active Afro—Eurasian collision front is located about 200 km north and northwest of the islands. A contemporary change of plate tectonic stresses is discussed to explain the intraplate rift pattern on Malta as foreland-specific reactions to plate tectonic processes.

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