
Gossip Lenore Weiss (bio) About a poetry coordinator sitting beneath an umbrellawho reports so and sois booking readings all over townnow that she's screwing you know who. About an editor who thinks she's singlebecause her husband has goneon a business trip to Italy for two weekswhile she stays home with her son. About a manager cut and pasting grantsfor a million dollar project into a Word documentwho's pissed his boss doesn't knowthe first thing about leadership. About the head of armed forces in Fallujawho said Abu Ghraib happenedbecause an enlistee tucked his brainsup a black hood. [End Page 74] About the Israeli government who saidPalestinians are terroristswho should go back to where they came fromor get pushed back into the sea. About Palestinians who saidIsraelis see history with one eyeand who don't understandhow a tree can die standing even when it's been cut down. [End Page 75] Lenore Weiss Lenore Weiss lives in Oakland, California. When she's not working as a Webmaster, she's practicing her guitar. Formerly the coordinator of Kehilla Community Synagogue's Middle East Peace Committee, Lenore recently finished teaching a class entitled, "Exploring What it is to be An American Jew in a Violent World." Her most recent collection of poetry, Sh'ma Yis'rael, was released this year from Pudding House Publications. Copyright © 2007 Bridges Association

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