
Manually explore the Google search queries of individuals with first episode psychosis prior to their first hospitalization, in effort to identify common themes and search interests during the period of emerging illness. Individuals hospitalized for psychosis between December 2016 and September 2017 provided access to their Google archive data for manual qualitative evaluation of search content. Searches conducted during the 6-month time period prior to the participant's first hospitalization for psychosis were extracted and evaluated for search activity associated with mental health. Of 20 archives reviewed, 15 individuals (75%) searched for information classified by reviewers as related to mental health. Searches with content associated with delusions were found in 15 participant archives (75%). Searches related to negative symptoms including social withdrawal and decline in function were identified in 6 participant's search archives (30%). Four participants (20%) had searches that were associated with thought processes, and 2 participants (10%) searched for information on suicide. Four participants (20%) searched for information related to anxiety, whereas 3 participants (15%) had searches related to depressive symptoms. Individuals with early psychosis appear to be using the Internet for obtaining information about their early symptoms and experiences prior to their first contact with psychiatric care. Improving our understanding of the ways by which individuals with emerging psychosis search for information about their experiences online may help mental health clinicians tailor online resources in hopes of improving pathways to care and reducing the duration of untreated psychosis.

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