
A study was conducted in 2004 to determine the effect of coapplication of the insecticides acephate, acetamiprid, bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, dicrotophos, dimethoate, emanectin benzoate, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, lambda-cyhalothrin, methoxyfenozide, spinosad, thiamethoxam, and zeta-cypermethrin; the plant growth-regulator mepiquat pentaborate; a foliar sodium calcium borate micronutrient solution; and a foliar nitrogen fertilizer solution with glyphosate on the efficacy of weeds that commonly infest cotton. Barnyardgrass, hemp sesbania, johnsongrass, pitted morningglory, and sicklepod were grown in outdoor containers and treated with glyphosate at 1,120 g ai/ha alone or in coapplication at the three-to four- or seven-to eight-leaf growth stage. Glyphosate efficacy, based on visual control ratings at 7, 14, and 28 d after treatment (DAT) and fresh weight reduction of weed biomass at 28 DAT, was unaffected by chemical coapplication or application timing. Averaged across application timing and visu...

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